+ Benefits
Fiber optics is a transmission medium commonly used in data networks; a very fine thread of transparent material, glass or plastic materials, through which pulses of light are sent that represent the data to be transmitted.
Fibers are widely used in telecommunications, since they allow a large amount of data to be sent over a long distance, with speeds similar to those of radio and higher than those of conventional cable. They are the transmission medium par excellence as they are immune to electromagnetic interference, they are also used for local networks, where it is necessary to take advantage of the advantages of fiber optics over other transmission media.
A fiber optic cable allows more data to be transmitted over longer distances and faster than other media, it is the technology that allows Internet, telephone and TV services to be provided to homes and companies by fiber optic. Undoubtedly, the future that awaits us is clearly located in fiber optic networks, more and more we have this type of high-bandwidth connectivity since this is one of the main advantages, in the same way it supports climatic changes very well and temperatures and is very light, being non-metallic elements.
Optical fiber takes up little space due to its small size and is extremely flexible, which facilitates its installation. It has great mechanical and thermal resistance, and is well resistant to corrosion It is more environmentally friendly compared to the waste left by conventional wiring.
Advantages of fiber optics
High capacity to transport data allowing links of many kilometers without signal problems and without losing power.
Greater bandwidth capacity.
Ensures energy efficiency.
It is usually very resistant to heat, cold and corrosion.
Unlimited access 24 hours a day, without congestion.
Fast, efficient and safe.