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Los paneles solares son el intermediario que hace que la luz solar nos sirva de energía


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La iluminación solar es una alternativa a la electricidad que tiene numerosas ventajas

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Las redes híbridas son fiables y tienen mayor tolerancia a fallos que otras topologías


La eficiencia energética es fundamental para conseguir un mundo sostenible


​Every day there is more talk about renewable energies and how their use is key to ensuring the future of our planet. When we talk about renewable energy we think of three elements: the sun, wind and water, however, the term is much broader and covers much more. What is clear is that they are the most sustainable alternative to produce energy, since we are currently living in an era of energy transition that is characterized by the importance of the use of renewable energies, decarbonisation, the use of less polluting fuels, solar panels. in our homes, electricity storage systems, or the use of electric vehicles. Faced with this new scenario, it is absolutely necessary to modify our consumption patterns if we want to achieve the objective of reducing CO2 emissions and making a more environmentally sustainable environment.

Renewable energies are those energy sources that are obtained from natural resources such as the sun, wind, water or vegetable or animal biomass, these energies are characterized by not using fossil fuels as happens with conventional energies, but natural resources capable of unlimited renewal.

One of the main advantages of renewable energies is that they do not generate a negative environmental impact since they do not generate any pollutant, which is why they are considered clean energies, they are inexhaustible and increasingly competitive; They differ from fossil fuels mainly in their diversity, abundance and potential for use in any part of the planet, but above all in that they do not produce greenhouse gases that cause climate change. Currently, renewable energy is a reality in our society and its benefits for the environment are more than evident.

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Renewable energies are the present and the future of the world's electricity production. The term renewable captures the essence of this type of energy, characterized by its availability in nature and its capacity for continuous regeneration, without human intervention, spontaneously and in inexhaustible quantities. Renewable energies are destined to become the most profitable source of electricity for the planet and economic development.

There are different types of renewable energy and energy can be obtained in many ways, you just have to transform it into electrical energy. There is solar energy, which is that which we obtain from the sun. In the case of wind energy, the generation of electricity is carried out with the force of the wind. The  Hydraulic power uses the force of water in its course to generate electrical power. In addition to geothermal energy, biomass and tidal energy.


  • They help to promote self-consumption

  • They are beneficial energies for the environment and climate change

  • They are free and inexhaustible natural resources

  • Renewable energies can reach isolated places

  • With the use of renewable energies, energy independence can be achieved


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