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+ Benefits

Lighting systems and new Smart Lighting concepts have evolved as more innovations appear in wired and wireless infrastructures and these have focused on generating more savings, energy efficiency and comfort. The internet of things (IoT) is the most latent reality at the moment where it is calculated by 2050 that Smart Lighting or Intelligent Lighting will have access to digital platforms and 66% of the population will have access to it.

The application of technology in buildings is allowing the development of more efficient and environmentally sustainable spaces. Lighting control systems are the most influential elements in the development of buildings, since they reduce economic costs and improve the efficiency of spaces.

Lighting represents the second source of electricity consumption and thanks to home automation, building automation and control protocols, this consumption can be reduced by up to 80% when compared to a conventional lighting installation.

With Intelligent Lighting systems, not only savings are achieved in bills, but also greater functionality will be obtained, because Smart Lighting allows you to have absolute control of the lighting of the building in addition to the use of natural light, the energy expenditure only when necessary, protecting the environment and extending the useful life of the luminaires.

Nowadays lighting in buildings is designed thinking about the use that each person makes of it and in a personalized way, that is why the automation and monitoring of the different lighting elements in homes or buildings has become a trend. Using switches is a thing of the past, now with lighting systems the lights turn on automatically while there are people in the room or turn off by themselves when no one is in the room.

With the lighting control, the appropriate amount of artificial light can be distributed in the space and time necessary to make the most of natural light and can be used both indoors and outdoors, in residential, industrial or commercial spaces. This system is able to control the luminosity constantly, according to the natural light that comes in from the outside and in turn is able to create different environments and comfortable scenes with just one click. The lighting systems can be controlled remotely from any mobile device, tablet or a smart speaker, saving time, energy and increasing the comfort of your home or building.


  • Turn off and on the lights in our home remotely

  • Adjust lighting levels

  • Turn off all the lights in the house at once with a simple click

  • Know the kws that we are consuming with the lights on in real time

  • Enable the light in any space to turn on at a very low intensity

  • Change the color of the lights to create different environments

  • Communication and connectivity

  • Flexibility and security

  • Savings and efficiency in the energy sector

  • Lighting quality and comfort

  • Check out if we have turned off all the lights

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At Encom Ingeniería we offer solutions that allow us to control all electronic devices in a specific space, we design and develop lighting projects with applications for indoor and outdoor environments, always thinking about maximum safety, savings and comfort for our clients.


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Carrera 19 # 185-53 Of. 308

Bogota Colombia

PBX: (+571) 716 0445

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PBX: (+571) 7160445 Ext. 1002

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